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Showing posts from January, 2018

Are You Looking For Mr Right or Mr Right Now?

I’ve been meaning to write about this topic for a while and decided that it was now or never. Is it me or do you notice that people are settling more and more in relationships. It’s the norm to meet someone, know them for a minute, get married and have a family. I scroll through my timeline on social media and notice that more and more people are getting married or having babies. Hey….there is nothing wrong with that, but ask yourself this question…… are you seeking  a relationship or are you presently in relationship because you WANT too or because you feel that you NEED too? Let me tell you this, there is a MAJOR difference. I remember having this conversation with one of my close friends about relationships. Ive always struggled with relationships and I have also shared that I have the tendency to attract toxic men in my life. How many women can relate? Can I get an Amen!! Anyways, we were on the topic of relationships and I had shared about this man that I was dating...